Aquapark Istralandia
Distance from Bale: 37 minutes driving (47.3 km)
Slope 27 m
In the water park: it is possible to organize birthday celebrations, organize teambuilding
Facilities in the water park: Pool with waves, Relax pool, Children's pool, Jumping kids pool, Family pool, hydromassage pool
Water attractions 5.600 m2
The surface of the water park 80.000 m2
Working hours: from 10:00, to 18:00
Working time on Sundays: from 10:00, to 18:00
Working time on Saturdays: from 10:00, to 18:00
Phone: 385 (0)52 866 900
Address: Ul. Ronki 1, 52474, Nova Vas, Istria, Croatia
Ideal for Kids!
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