One of the sisters, humorous monodrama
Thursday, 17.09.2020. 20:00. h
Author: Kordelija Paladin
Acting: Katica Šubarić - PhD in Art practical work
Mentor and director: Robert Raponja
Visual identity designer: Davor Molnar
Why are we doomed to hide our inner worlds, the truth about ourselves, because of people who are inconceivable to our being? Why the fear that we will not be able to meet the needs of other people, that we will not meet the expectations of those we care so much about?
Student Irena is deeply searching for answers to these questions in the humorous monodrama "One of the Sisters" by Cordelia Paladin. Irena in Greek means the one who is calm, but our heroine is something completely different: restless, curious, open, talkative and worried. She thirsts for knowledge, for literature, for spirituality and humor. He has an organic need to express aloud all the doubts of his internal and external conflicts and misunderstandings. Irena is kind, she tries hard, she tries not to offend her parents who advise her and determine the direction of life. So she rightly asks: "Would their advice lead me to exactly the place I want to get to, and find myself there." Irena, not by her own choice, but by her father's choice, is studying law. He hears lessons from his mother about the necessity of marriage, and the birth and upbringing of children. Irena is tormented by whether she has betrayed her parents since birth, so she says: “They wanted their second child to be their son and not their second daughter, but it turned out that way. And after two more daughters, they at least mitigated my guilt, because it’s worse to be the fourth than the second daughter. All the sisters and brother were born in the spring and summer, and I am the only winter child, born when the air stinks of chimneys and burnt piglets on the spit. ”For Irena, the mother says:“ Irena is one of our four little girls. One of the sisters. Younger, but not the youngest. Not the most beautiful, not the ugliest. Not the dumbest, not the wisest. Not the most gifted, not the most nonsensical. Thus, the average child… “Irena accepts all the differences in her immediate family, but discovers that the only way she can realize her need to create and write and preserve her uniqueness and diversity is to resist other people's advice. She realizes that her relatives ask her to be average and to do everything other people do, but that deviates from her right path, she has her goal: to give people the best of herself.
Seven Women, embodied in this monodrama by an actress, talks about other prejudices and misconceptions about the position of women in modern society. Young woman: obedient daughter, future mother, sister, friend, granddaughter, student, employee is appalled by the expression that girls are "girls", unlike men for whom the world is arranged differently. Finally, the Being of Light is given to us all, to show us our way.
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